Bulgarian Historical Review
Edition of the Institute for Historical Studies at the BAS
Bulgarian Historical Review
Sashka Georgieva – Legal Restrictions Defining Validity of Marriage in Medieval Bulgaria3
Elena Kostova – On the Role of the Dubrovnik (Ragusan) Consulate Operating in “Sclauonia, Bosna, Sriemo et Burgaria” in the 1380s and 1390s24
Антоанета Кирилова – К истории одного дипломатического документа 1867 года: болгары в большой политике53
Cao Xuân Long – Đặng Huy Trú‘s Thought of Self-reliance and Autonomy and Its Historical Meaning107
Rositsa Lelyova – Problems and Challenges for the Bulgarian Exarchate and Its Local Authorities in the Years of “the Hurriyet”119
Sia Nikiforova – Problèmes économiques des Balkans à la veille des guerres Balkaniques153
Никита Сергеевич Гусев – Болгарская и сербская пропаганда по македонскому вопросу в России во время Балканских войн 1912–1913 гг.203
Asen Kozhukharov – An Unusual Case in His Majesty’s Navy to Promote an NCO into an Officer Rank226
Anna Tertychna – The Ukrainsko-Bulgarski Pregled (Ukrainian-Bulgarian Review) as a Tool of Cultural Diplomacy in the Relations between Ukraine and Bulgaria (1919–1920)233
Михаил Костив – Местная пресса УССР начала 1930-х годов как источник изучения истории Голодомора243
Helmut Wilhelm Schaller – Bogdan Filov (1883–1945) – ein bulgarischer Wissenschaftler und Politiker in seinen Beziehungen zu Deutschland – anlässlich des 150 jährigen Jubiläums der Bulgarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Sofia259
Reviews of Books
Ljudmil Jordanow Spasow – Стоян Николов. Забравените герои. Пленническият въпрос от войните на България 1885– 1918 г. София, 2018. 326 с. (Stojan Nikolow. Die vergessenen Helden. Die Gefangenschaftsfrage während der Kriege Bulgariens 1885–1918. Sofia, 2018. 326 S.)283
Nikolaj Poppetrov – Bulgarica 1. Hrsg. Sigrun Comati, Radko Krauss, Helmuth Schaller. München. AVM Edition, 2018. 205 p. + III/S., Abb.; Bulgarica 2. Hrsg. Sigrun Comati, Radko Krauss, Helmuth Schaller. München. AVM Edition, 2019. 181 p. + III/ S., Abb. 286
Simona Samuilova – Надя Филипова. България и Сирия в „Ерата Асад“. София, Изд. „Изток-Запад“, 2017. 522 с. (Nadya Filipova. Bulgaria and Syria in the Assad Era. Sofia, “Iztok-Zapad” Publishing House, 2017. 522 p.) 289