ISSN 0204-8906 (print); ISSN 2815-2905 (online)

Bulgarian Historical Review / Revue Bulgare d’Histoire is a publication of the Institute for Historical Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

It was first published in 1973 as an organ of the then Unified Center for Science and Training of History Professionals at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The first editor-in-chief (till 1990) was Dimitar Kossev and the editorial board included representatives of various scientific units - Mito Isusov and Virzhinia Paskaleva (deputy chief editors), L. Zhivkova, D. Angelov, At. Bozhkov, E. Buzhashki, V. Hadzhinikolov, Hr. Hristov, Y. Yotov, D. Mitchev, N. Todorov. In 1989, with the liquidation of the Unified Centers, it became the organ of the Institute of History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (since 2010, the Institute for Historical Research) and in 1990 the editor-in-chief was M. Isusov (until 1995). After that the editorial board is headed successively by Radoslav Popov (1995-2002), Virzhinia Paskaleva (2003-2011), Iliya Todev (2012–2016). At present Daniel Vachkov is editor-in-chief, and the editorial board includes distinguished scientists from the Institute for Historical Research, specialists in medieval, modern and contemporary Bulgarian and world history, history of the Bulgarian revival and the Bulgarian national question, Ottomanists, demographers and others.

Over the years, Bulgarian Historical Review, designed from the outset not as a narrow-institute journal, but as a publication of the whole professional historical college, has been reflecting the scientific achievements of Bulgarian historians in the field of national, Balkan and world history. It contains original and summarizing articles in the sphere of political, economic and cultural history of the Bulgarian lands during the different ages in the development of humankind - Ancient history, Middle Ages, Modern history and Contemporary history. Thus, one of its main tasks is accomplished - to clarify the multilateral relations of the Bulgarians with the other peoples over the centuries in order to reveal the place and the role of Bulgaria in the development of human civilization. At the same time, Bulgarian historical themes become entangled in European and world history.

Another aspect of this integration with the world's historical science is the opportunity given to foreign scientists, specialists in the history of Bulgaria, the Balkans and Eastern Europe to publish their research on the pages of the journal. That is why authors from various research institutes and universities, not only from Bulgaria but also from abroad, have been increasingly publishing in the journal. The authors of the manuscripts are both well-established scientists and young researchers.

Along with the classic type of historical studies, more and more articles with interdisciplinary and other new methodological approaches appear on its pages. The published manuscripts are dedicated to specific historical problems as well as to summarising topics; they offer new interpretations of already researched issues and introduce new scientific topics into the study of Bulgarian and world history.

Bulgarian Historical Review started with the release of 4 issues a year. In the 1990s, due to the severe economic crisis which affected the whole country and the Bulgarian science in particular, the publishers began to partially pair the issues, and since 1998, the practice of annually issuing two double books with numbers 1-2 and 3-4 has been permanently established.

The journal publishes manuscripts in English, French, German and Russian. This enables a large number of foreign historians and history lovers to get acquainted with the achievements of their Bulgarian counterparts in a language that is accessible to them.

Bulgarian Historical Review is aimed at a wide audience (scientists, students, teachers and intellectuals interested in the Bulgarian, Balkan and world history). It is distributed in the country and abroad and is present in major national and world libraries, universities in the Balkans, Europe, Russia and America.

The journal is available in paper and PDF versions.

Bulgarian Historical Review is included in a number of European and global databases where it is monitored, analyzed, evaluated and distributed: