Bulgarian Historical Review

52 (2024) 1-2



Maria Baramova – Habsburg-osmanische Raumabsonderung auf dem Balkan in der Frühen Neuzeit3

Ivan Parvev – Jüdischer monarchischer Patriotismus im Alten Reich des 18. Jahrhunderts32

Jovan Muhadinović – Nikšić Area in the Principality of Montenegro after the Berlin Congress and International Recognition in 187848

Georgi N. Georgiev – The Migration Movements of the Macedonian Bulgarians to the Third Bulgarian State (1878–1912)62

Boris Gorelik – The Pro-Boer Campaign in Bulgaria and Bulgarian Volunteers in the South African War of 1899–190283

Nikolay Pavlovski – Progress of the Reserve Officers School Military Educational System in Bulgarian Armed Forces in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century108

Nadya Filipova – Soviet Bloc, Power Struggle, and Social Changes in Syria (mid-1950s – mid-1960s)137

Alparslan Gazi Aykin – Military Coups and Their Effect on Sports: The Case of Turkey159

Driton Tiku – The Rambouillet Conference and NATO Intervention in Kosovo177

Simona Evstatieva – Soviet Utopias for Western Audiences: The Unexplored Sovexport Documentary Film Collection at the EYE Filmmuseum in Amsterdam191

Lyubomira Valcheva-Nundloll – L’historien Blagovest Njagulov et sa contribution à l’historiographie bulgare des migrations et des minorités230

Reviews of Books

Dzheni Ivanova – The Empire and Its Subjects: A Look at Ottoman Court Inheritance Inventories in the 17th and 18th Centuries246

Nikolay Poppetrov – Reconstruction of Fateful Events255

Evgenia Kalinova – New Research on the Bulgarians in Turkey259